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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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states. >> yes. so just to the clear with the wording we're going to insert veteran workers at least 10 percent >> that's correct superintendant. >> can i amend the amendment to say veteran workers? >> i don't know if i have to formerly propose that. so she's accepted the addition of the u.s. >> can i ask about the population of veterans in san francisco. i'm serious because i want to know how many veterans we do have. i want to see how many women who own businesses it's a small
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percentage but i just don't know if there's a lot of veterans. so commissioner it's a stated goal which would mean we would expend our anti reach. those goals are not requirements but those are stated goals that it is our intention that we will make every effort to meet those goals; is that correct as written in here mr. golden? >> yes. >> okay. any further questions. okay roll call on the amendment (calling names)
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that's unanimous. okay. did you want to propose another amendment? >> yeah. although i don't know what percent. i think the overall is to make sure we're doing veterans tracking the workers. i think it's important to put them in the construction and non-construction supply piece that will give us assurance we're making sure we're prioritizing and supporting them for contract work. so i could say 10 percent first year. i don't know if the staff understands how this is reasonable. there's a 3 percent state goal maybe we want to say disabled
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veterans we may want to list them so we're actually making a priority to work with the veterans in bid >> commissioner i certainly don't have a problem doing that and i'm a little bit with commissioner men and women dos dozen that i don't know. i'm certainly willing to outreach to all those. >> what i would do is perhaps maximize workers add veterans and down below to add, you know, d b e goals so we're also working to provide intents them in that category also not just workers. it's hard to set a goal but we
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could say 57 percent so we're actually prioritizing if the state goal is 3 percent. anyone have imply thoughts. i have nothing against in theory at all in putting this in i worry about we're adding a lot of outreach categories. is this something we can do when wey visit those. now we've had a chance to think about who those people would be that's my inclination just a suggestion. i'll withdraw the amendment i think that mentioning the veteran workers we'll add to the title here that it's also you veteran participation that pits it in there in terms of outreach
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to certainty communities that we will consider veterans as well and not put a specific goal for that >> i want to acknowledge supervisor kim. >> so you've withdrawn the suggestion. are there any other proposed amendments? >> seeing none. are there any i hesitate to ask are there any final comments? >> okay seeing none. >> i see some. yes commissioner mendoza >> i want to thank the two commissioners for your encourage in putting this forward this didn't an easy discussions. those are one of those many movements actually recently when
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we as a board a stepping up to talk about our ask the and talk about the opportunities our students can have and we do that through voter approved dollars to improve our schools. yes our schools are a beautiful environment for our kids. but your resolution also speaks to what we can do for our kids kids in the building. and i'm just really glad you guys latched onto this and took it down and for that you'll have my full support in passing this local policy which is critical for our youth >> i want to thank everyone staff and labor partners bright
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line everybody who helped us as a proposal bringing this up. i urge my fellow colleague i think that is a -- california day when the people of san francisco vote for a 5 hundred and thirty million bond it's only right we get a share of those jobs. san francisco is one of the highest cost of living cities in the bay area and probably in this nation. it's expenditure to live here and raise families. we know when we put local people to work it's argue graduates we put to work. i urge board members to vote for this. i also want to say this has been a fight to get this through so vote only if you believe in
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that. if you only vote for it because you find it hard not to vote for it don't. if you think it's going to open the doors for the unified school district kids and families vote because it's the right thing to do to put the mother and fathers to work. we'll have to carry this and see it through. be brave enough to do that. la has been doing this for years. i think it's the right thing to do for the residents of san francisco. (clapping) and a thank you.
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i'll let you finish up >> i should know not to try to follow the commissioner. i want to thank all the folks who worked for this. i want to thank the superintendent and for commissioner yee for letting me help out with this and all the folks in the community and bright line and building trades and give us feedback and helped us 80 get to the point we'll have a successful vote. really what this is about is making sure that in everything we do we're the elected
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officials who make things happen. if we say we're about equity it has to be part of our classrooms. i'm exist and though much has been done to get us here this is the beginning. we're putting ourselves on record this is a priority for us. modern anything it's about holding ourselves accountable. there's a lot of conversations and the hope process whether there has to be detailed worked out but we said we hold those jobs and those skills and experiences with a lot of respect and we want a pipeline to make sure those students get those jobs. sometimes their trade offices
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and sometimes to build a carpenter shop at the school we may have to revisit our priorities. i'm happy about the work but this is begin for us to prioritize that. thank you (clapping) >> thank you. well said >> with that we'll call for roll call. >> as amended (calling names) unanimous.
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>> okay. as you exit the room we're going to go on with our meeting so if you can exist quietly we would appreciate that. we are going to leave that i believe that was item h. and we're going to item i board members proposals held for speaker cards and actions there are none toenl tonight. and we're going to request to speak regarding general matters. we're going to hang out for a minute (laughter)
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we're going to just recess for a - >> good evening ladies and gentlemen. president norton. i am honored and tliefld to be here i'm erick mcdonald the unified in the bay area. it's really my honor to be here first of all, to say thank you. the district it's current leadership board lisp has been phenomenal in its commitment to our children and it's commitment to equity and opportunity for all so i wanted to say thank you. and actually, i'm here because i'm in love.
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yeah. (clapping) and, you know, so superintendant you are in love and you're kind of giddy and a silly and you do crazy things when you're in love. and see i walk around skipping all the time and singing all the time. because i'm in love. with an amazing amazing amazing woman. and see no matter what the weather is like outside i've got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside i've got the month of may. well, i guess you say what can
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make me feel this way. my girl >> my girl. >> my girl. >> talking about my girl. >> my girl. i want you
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(clapping) >> one more (laughter) >> oh, so long. >> you know your two minutes is so long. >> for this night i prayed that
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a star would guide you my way. to show with me this special day. as a rib on in the sky for our love. there's a rib on in the sky rib on in the sky for our love. and see (laughter) . what's important to us is our community. and see i invited our community to come here and community stand up because i love you and we love you and so i've asked them to join me in this final song
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which is one of our farther songs in the whole wide world. r you are my sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray. you'll never know know dear how much i love you please don't take my sunshine away. and see you'll be pleased to know i spoke with mendoza and he give me his blessing and i spoke with my lady before she went to
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europe. wow. (laughter) >> yeah. (clapping) woe. (clapping) thank you, thank you so much for being here for this moment. i want to spend the rest of my life with her arrest our
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president and our superintendant has given us permission to leave >> get on out of here. >> don't wait until local higher was done but take her away. mrs. meet us at sugar lounge for those who have to stay we'll
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so we're going to rnow.
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that's the kind of public comment i love. everybody sound really good and i'm glad she said, yes. >> okay thank you for that observation i agree with you on that. item k advisory committee reports there are none this evening item he l the special order of business. i'm going to a call to order on the proposal of the flexible use of up state fund for educational purposes. my i hear a motion and a second please. i so move. second >> thank you. is the lady here
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oh, okay. may i hear a reading of the remedies >> i don't think i can do any more of anything i saw it was the most fantastic thing i've seen in a meeting. commissioners strrpt i will read the recommendation for 2 to 3 programs. i should have been a little bit after. this was exciting, you know, what i mean. the proposed flexible use of categorical program for educational purposes. whereas is 2009, 2010 state budget s b x for chapter four statutes from 2009 and
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substantially enacted bill 2009 authorizes the school districts chapter schools and county education do use state fivend for the categorical programs under section 46205 for educational purposes and whereas the flexibility to use the categorical programs for any educational purposes is authorizes for the fiscal year 2008, 2009 to the fiscal year neo 13 and fourteen and whereas the condition of the categorical programs fund that maybe used for any educational purposes and as a continue for trar those funds to the governing funds
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it's appropriate and a regular scheduled public hearing shall take testimony and discuss approve or disapprove for the purposes in which the funds will be used >> i appreciate you reading all the resolution you don't need to do that. i told you it was too excited here >> i can go back to further resolve. be a further resolved that the board of education in the san francisco county of education does propose the funding of education that has explicitly
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and the objective code those particular resources. just so we know we have the only school district in the city of california that keeps track of those similar to where it was and we keep the revenue from the accounts. i have no public speakers are there any comments from the board? >> any first question is what do we know - i understand that the budget hadn't been passed yet but do we know the formula do we have any idea about it? >> i think that's something we talked about it before that's something we're going to have to
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discuss as a group. we have over the last few years treated that as a separate sub accounts. we used about two-thirds 67 percent of right now those accounts similar to what when we were doing 2008 and 2009 >> that's my second question. >> what's the question? >> the question was about whether we will need a public hearing? >> no, if all of those go away although c pe under the local formula they don't exist anymore. the revenue didn't come through those things. i understand we have to pass our budget by gin thirty and the state has to pass their budget by june 18th they'll make those
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things go away. has anybody asked in their thinking that when your discussion with the experts has anybody skdz the question will we not have to take the step this year and then we'll get to the second question why do we keep thinking the same way in my opinion >> we have not discussed that as of yet. my comments >> if i can plate. the timing is interesting. and difficult because currently law this action is being put before the board for consideration based on current law and requirement of current
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law. the lc s f has not been enacted the bill hadn't been publicly shared so this action has to take place in the in the meantime. i would guess that there are many questions that will ensue including 2 or 3 but many aspects of the implementations for the lc f other restrictive programs that will be fold into. what happens next year a transitional year. when the district and the state are transitioning to the l s f this is technical stuff but what resource codes should be used for the lc s f that will take
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the position of the resource codes that exist now. i don't think there's any possibility of that being clear even after the bill is signed or passed by the legislature and signed. i think next year there can't be anything but a transition. and have to use the resource codes and administrative infrastructure and then presumably over the next year or few months there will be clarity about issues like that. but it will be more applicable important the following year >> that's my assumption but i want us to think differently. i - i'd like to have somebody tell me by next year o